Our Pho Nomenal Third Wheel – Becca Plumlee
We’d like to formally introduce our fabulous third dumpling, who has joined us on our journey!
How does one describe someone as awesome as Becca? The best word that comes to mind is “moxie”. In case you aren’t familiar – Merriam Webster defines moxie as “energy; courage or determination; pep, know-how”.
Although all three of us met back in high school (NCSSM Class of ’06. Go Unis!), and have been friends forever we didn’t become a food trucking team until summer 2015. She has become our devil’s advocate, our logistics coordinator, our sanity check, our rock, and least importantly – our help in the kitchen. She keeps us giggling through it all and we can’t imagine a better person/best friend to round out our team.
How can I find/follow where and when you’ll be?
We will be up and running soon! Check out schedule 🙂